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     Since I started class at NCC, I've been eating at Kaufman dining hall (also known as Kman) for every 3 out 4 meals. Although its only been 4 weeks, I've learned about the many advantages and disadvantages of eating at there. 

   To start with the benefits, Kman is close to Seager residence hall, where I currently live. This allows me to quickly get food when I'm in a rush. All my meals are already paid for at Kman as well. I have 17 swipes per week but the majority of the time, I only eat there twice a day. I can however eat as much as I want each time I swipe. Due to this fact, the CPD at Kman is basically infinite. CPD stands for "calories per dollar". The service at Kman is also a postive. The staff always asks how I'm doing and tells me to enjoy my day. When it comes to the food, Kman might be considered mid. Some positives, however, would be the cereal station which is open 24/7, the cantaloupe and honeydew which is always available, and the dessert bar which is open with every meal. I also enjoy having my dishes done for me.

    The disadvantages of Kman start with the QPD. QPD stands for "quality per dollar". Although my meals at Kman are pretty much free, the quality per cost is still questionable. Kman offers plenty of variety, but all meals are made in bulk and most require some extra salt and pepper. Depending on the day, Kman can also lack some nutritional value. Breakfast consistently has protein, but sometimes lunch and dinner do not. 

    Regardless of any negatives, I will continue to eat at Kman. I am thankful for the dining hall we have and all of the effort that the staff puts in to help students feel their best.

Another blog on QPD and CPD in Naperville coming soon. You can learn more at the link below.

Chik-fil-A CPD

McDonald's CPD

Poptart CPD

Kaufman Dining Hall Archives - NCClinked


  1. I totally agree with all of your advantages and disadvantages. I also live in Seager Hall so it is nice to be able to get food quickly. A lot of my teammates on the basketball team say that Kman isn't the greatest, but to be honest, it's not a bad as some people say.

  2. Your points about k-man are very accurate. Nobody can expect a five star meal here, but we will take what we can get. At the very least it's all you can eat and the staff are friendly unlike Mcdonald's or places of similar nature.

  3. I totally agree with Kman sometimes having good food and sometimes having okay meals. I live in Rall, so I can definitely relate to appreciating the convenience! Keep it up, Casey!

  4. K-man definitely has ups and downs. I commute to college but I had tried K-man's food a couple of times. When I went to K-man, some of the food is just terrible but some were decent. If you got the money you should go to the cage instead and eat there. The food over there is consistently mid to good in my opinion. Also the links on Chic-fil-a and McDonalds CPD are extremely useful and interesting, thanks!


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