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    Before class a couple weeks ago, I had never heard of a microtheme. According to wikipedia, "A microtheme is a short essay. Often an exercise unto itself, it can also be used in writing courses to incrementally build up toward a larger paper". I hope this isn't building up to something much bigger because I struggled with one page as it is. 

    In our microtheme, we are supposed to problematize without solving the problem or even offering some possible solutions. We are not supposed to ask more than one question or use any definitive statements or words. This was hard for me because I immediately try to think about the solution as soon I have a problem. It's hard to address a problem and sit with it. However, once I finally started to understand the meaning of a microtheme, my perspective changed and I learned how to write differently.

    Writing my microtheme also taught me how to stay diligent while making revisions. In the past I've always liked to write essays with only one or two drafts, making it as perfect as I could on the first try. This has worked, but it makes it hard to let go and make a lot of changes when I need to. During the process of writing my microtheme, I made four or five drafts. This is because I had to get rid of three or four sentences at a time after getting feedback from Dr. Kyburz. I also had to change my choice of words throughout the whole essay multiple times. Luckily, this essay was only one page, so this was manageable. However, I feel like it has also helped me develop my ability to revise for essays of all lengths.


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