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Dorm Food

 I've already blogged about the food at Kman, but the food we keep in our dorms is also worth discussing. It's necessary to keep food in the room in order to survive. This is due to the fact that Kman closes at 8:30 every day, the cage and ABP close every weekend or holiday, and food in downtown Naperville is always expensive. For example, the nearest fast food place is Five Guys, which only has 10 dollar burgers. Left with no options, we need to have food in the room.

Because my roommate and I are both from across the country, we don't have cars. We've walked to the nearest grocery store, the jewel, only once. Since then, we've ordered our groceries on Instacart. Instacart is like DoorDash for groceries. We pick out our stuff, then someone shops and delivers it to our door. This is really convenient and the delivery fee isn't very expensive.

We usually order from Costco so we can get everything in bulk. This ensures that the CPD (calories per dollar) are up on each item. Lately, my shopping list has consisted of protein bars, Motts gummies, and oatmeal packets. These foods are the most reasonable, considering how much we eat and how much money we have to spend. Some of my other favorite dorm foods are mac and cheese cups, and microwave mini pizzas, but they're CPD and longevity isn't as good. We also have brie cheese right now, but we failed to order crackers, so we probably won't be getting that again.


  1. Nick Zaimins: Stocking up on snacks in the room is so crucial with how expensive local restaurants are and how unrelaible kman can be sometimes. I'll have to give instacart a try, it beats trying to shop myself.

  2. I never really knew the struggles of living in a dorm. I only head it form a couple of college friends but this post really showed me the struggles. Just hang in there bro, your already being innovative by using instacart. I guarantee that your future struggles can be easily solved with your creativity.


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