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Wrestling Season

 Now that October has started, the winter sports are right around the corner. This means wrestling season for me. We've been doing preseason work since the school year started, but our official practices start on Monday. Soon after that, we will start to compete. 

After my high school career ended, I had a few knee injuries to deal with. I had two surgeries on the meniscus in my left knee and one surgery on my right knee. Because of the long recovery process, I haven't competed since my last season ended in March and I just started practicing again recently. Because this has been my longest break from competition and is also my freshman year, there is a lot of anticipation going into this season. 

There is also a lot of excitement going into this season for the team as well. Last year, North Central finished 3rd as a team at nationals. This year, almost everyone is back along with a good freshman class, so we are ranked 2nd in country. This isn't bad, but we expect to win the tournament and become the 2023 national champs. We're going to make history as a team this year, so there is a lot to be excited about.


  1. Hopefully you can bring a national championship home. Good luck this season!

  2. It's quite incredible that you have the will and determination to get back up and do wrestling again. I know that doing any sport takes an extreme amount of effort, time and determination. After getting to talk with you for a bit, I have faith that you will do good.


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